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FAQ for Art Parties Start Here >>>>>
Sure, the artist is open to this idea. However, we are unable to barter, or negotiate on Original Art-prints. Only Original Artworks. Please see below, "What's the difference between Original Artwork & Art-prints." Please Contact the Artist directly to barter, or negotiate for Original Artworks.
We prefer that all transactions are made via our secured PayPal button because this way both parties have a most accurate record. We will accept your USA Bank Money Order (See Contact us page for our mailing address). Please use our Contact form to let us know you have sent us a payment. We may accept Checks, but there is up to a 31 day hold on receiving artwork once Check goes into our Bank for clearance of NSF.
Also accept Cash App. & Venmo. Certainly Cash and carry.
The difference between the artist's Original Artwork & Art-prints is that the Original Artwork has been created directly onto a medium, such as, Canvas, Wood, Metal, Glass, etc. Whereas, Original Art-prints are created from using the imagery of the original artwork, and then integrating the image with digital software. This graphic art process lends to the artist the opportunity to create several original pieces of artwork.
Not really. However, if you would like us to create a payment plan specifically for you we can do this. You would have to Contact us so that we can set the schedule payments up. Our PayPal also offers a payment plan when purchasing over $99. You must click on our secured PayPal button to discover more about this particular plan.
The way in which our Refund Policy works for any returns of our Original Artwork is, in order for you to receive a refund the artwork must be returned within 7 days of recieving it. Artwork must undamged. We take document and inspect any original artwork leaving and being shipped. You must present original receipt of purchase from our secured PayPal. There is a $200 non-refundable fee due to process. We share this information, and are willing to share any other information with via your contact with us. We realize that trust is earned, and we value havng your interest and having you as a patron.

Pricing and Price Changes
We try to maintain our prices at the most economical. However, in order to provide our customers with quality service we may have a need to increase prices. We place great effort in giving you the best price possible for the services that we offer. We retain the rights to changing our fees without notice. However, once you have booked a party with us the price you booked at is the price you are locked in with. So, even if we make a mistake with the priceing for event services we will go with that price. Unless, the price mistake is higher than what is normally priced for the specific event. In this case we will charge you the going rate.
We are pretty flexible with our available time for our fun parties. Our normal times are 7:00pm - 9:30pm For Adult, unless requested otherwise. Youth parties are 1.50hrs. And, starts at the time you request, if that time is available on that date. Should you require a different time please use our Booking webpage, or you may reach us direct via our Contact us form. We will start event on time. We will end event on time. Any extra time required, or requested is billed $50/hr. Or, $15 per. every 15min. of delay. Unless, the cause of over time is due to FSK need.

Where are the parties held
The parties are private. The event is always held on private and secured premises. We may travel to you, depending on requested location. If you place a payment down using our PayPal and later realize that you would like to hold your event outside of our private location and we are unable to make the location, we will accredit your account. However, if we receive your money afer agreeing to service your private location and then we realize that we are unable to make the site (after we've committed) we will refund you all of your moines.
Our Exotic Art Party Events are $50/per. person. Price increase as of October 15, 2015. Lock in price now by using our Booking page. Other Specialty parties may increase in price due to menu offering, decorum selection, and other take-aways. We also offer the opportunity to pay the full price on groupings. Please see Booking page. We do have a non-refundable retainers fee. Please see our FSK Services/SalesTerms & Policy page for more info. We will offer discounts to our Subscribed members, as well as, those who have used our services. Please, use our Subscribe form below. Thank you.

What Is The Age For Participants
Our Exotic Art Parties are strickly for Adults only. As a matter of fact when we have our own Exotic Art Parties participants must be 24 years of age and up. We will not serve to minors. We will offer Art Parties for youth/Teens to come.

Can I Pre-register?
For sure, you can by visiting our Booking Onlin webpage. Right now is a very good time to register and retain your event space. Prices will increase as of October 15, 2015. If you book your event now you will be locked in with that registration fee. Save $50 on a group of 15 participants.

Where Can I find your FSK Party Services/SalesTerms & Policy
Go to the Navigation Bar. Click on SalesTerms/Policy page.

Have any pictures, or Videos of Previous Parties
Go to the Navigation Bar. Hover over Services and look for the pull down window to appear. Look for FSK 1st Exotic Birthday Art Party along the page listings.

Can I take pictures during the event
We certainly don't mind that you take pictures of your energetic event. Actually, we love for you too. Hopefully, you and your attending buddies will friend us on Face Book and we can continue to share your fun time. However, in regards to our Models. You must seek their permission by asking if it is alright to take their pictures, as well as to touch them while they are working for us.

What type of foods do you serve?
We serve a variety of foods prepared by our personal Chef. The food service depends greatly on the taste buds of the group. Adults .vs. Youth. We do consider the Vegan. It is your responsibilty to notify us of any allergic situations. For an example of our last tasting menu the Chef prepared and served > Smoked Devil Egg w/Shrimp, paprika & Red Hawiian Sea Salt. Deconstructed BLT> Fried Green Tomato, Garlic Aoili, Bacon, Spinach. Mock Sushi Roll. Cajon Rice. Jerk Chicken w/ Chipotle Ranch Sauce. Chocolate covered cherries with infused alcohol. Yummy!
Of course this depends on the age group. Adults are served two Complimentary top shelf drinks. The kind of drinks depends on the flavor of the group. Commonly served are Grey Goose. Hennessy. Rimmy Martin. within that area of taste. It's important to remember that we purchase liquir in accordance to our budgeted price range. Anything over a specific price there will be an added fee. We may also include wine, and beer. After the two Complimentary drinks there is an open cash bar. For youth we offer a fruit punch. And, or a varity of flavored sweet drinks purchased or created by our Chef. These things may be discussed in advance.
Please know that we appreciate your trust. We will never share, nor sell your personal information with anyone. Especially not without your permission. We will not call you, unless you request it. Or, we have a need to reach out to you in regards to any questions, or concern you may have. Thank you, for submitting your information with us. #AppreciateYou. Please, provide the best email if you would like to receive any correspondence from us.