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Business of Success 101. Create Your Success & Live Your Dreams was primarily written for me, from me. Kinda hard to wrap the mind around such brut honesty. The truth is that I began my search for "Myself" a few years back. I was never content, always not satisfied with who I figured myself to be. I needed to understand my value in this vast Universe. My own daughter would often say to me "Mom, you don't understand your worth."  


It became so vital for me to understand my worthiness. I wanted to see, feel and understand the message of the great Spiritual Gurus. You know, things like, "You have all the riches you need to become even richer." "You are a Victor and not a Victim. "You have greatness inside of you." And, most of them always say,  it will take work on your behalf to find it all. And, yes I have found that it does take work consistently and everyday. For instance, I meditate for some time every day, morning and night. And, really meditation only takes about 10 minutes a day if you are really kept of time. Today, the spiritual meditation specialist have created all sorts of short to lengthy recordings to help us to meditate as we work through-out our day. So, really there is no excuse to not pray/mediate. Besides, it really only benefits us. 

This e-book is for anyone who feels stuck within their current situation and would like to find a path to becoming un-stuck. It takes a lot of gutts to discover all of the positive, as well as, negative things that makes up who we think and believe we are. To take a step back and examine any truths of it. And, then decide for ourselves if rather or not these characteristics hold any truth. And then be willing to admit if they belong to us, or were they planted within us. Thus, forming who we are, today? Most times we just wonder through life carrying around other peoples thoughts. Holding onto the thoughts of us formed by other people. Once we realize that just like Matter, we do matter we begin to see life a bit differently. We will find ourselves no longer being a people pleaser. Feeling like a Welcome Mat. We discover how to let go, and let God. We become filled with courage to live out our life, and not the one someone says, we are to live. We Willlingly start to give of ourselves unselfishly and not seeking anything in return for it. I admit, sometimes this particular display 'love' is difficult to do, but then I ask myself what am I so afraid of? Because, really only I know the answer to that question. This e-book is written to help you ask your life beneficial questions. I'm so sure that what's in it will help you gain insight into your own life that if we charged you for it, we'd give you all of your money back. :-)   


Most importantly, I believe what is stated here and through-out the e-book to be of truism. Eventually over time and with a bit of help from ourselves we will truly discover how, and why we should love ourselves as well as treat others with that same kind of admiration even when they seemingly don't deserve it. The more we love ourselves (not of ourselves because this is a form of arrogance and conceitedness) but to truly love the skin we've been blessed with is where the realization will open up opportunities for us that were there all along, but because the scales covered our eyes, mind and heart we never saw them before. Scales being metaphoric for negavite thoughts. It's hard to gain abundance of life when within ourselves we destest our own being. When we feel lost and abandon. These are gates to the "Swamp land of misery."  Seek the good out in yourself first, so that you may find and see the good that is withing others. This alone will bring you closer to your vision of success. "I am a work in progress." 


Well, I could certainly go on and I have by updating my blog post on LinkedIn, titled, "Find Your Shoes. Metaphorically Speaking." It's kind of brief and plus I share some informative Links that if you like, (hopefully love) my e-book then you will find the value and worth in my most recent blog. If the link hasn't gone live yet, it's most likely because I'm still working on it, or LinkedIn blog post site is giving me problems. Please, check back later.


Thank you, for the opportunity to share my journey of BEING with you. 


We here at FSK, wish you the Best Creative Regards!


Now, go grab your Free e-book before a price tag comes with it. lol. 




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