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What are K.v.F. Original Art Prints





"Where tradition meets modern technology."

I am a professional practicing Visual artist from the windy city known as Chi-town, or Chicago. My paintings, drawings and original art prints are produced from my thoughts, feelins and emotions of people, places and things. My handmade jewelry may be viewed also on my Facebook page. As I create art it is never really about the by-product but more so about the process, which is very therapeutic for me. My mission and passion is to devise and teach innovative, artistic, educational and therapeutic rehabilitation programs, facilitate community creativity and growth groups. Provide informative and educational blogs for anyone seeking to understand the arts as I continute to provide my own personal artwork of which I''ve been told that my artwork brings a certain kind fulfillment to the environment. And that my work helps to ease the tension in the room as the work sparks conversation. I can live with that. Best Creative Regards.



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